Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blog #8: Commentary on Abortion

In Dawson Waltons blog "Originally Commentary on Abortion" is a very controversial topic. I respect his opinion on this topic, but there are some points I disagree with, respectfully. When talking about teenage pregnancy, and mentioning that it causes more harm to the child might be a bit generalization. I know people that have had a child while being a teenager and people that have had a child well in their 30s and still not know what they are doing. I don't think that is a reason for abortion. Giving the teenagers prober sex education and teach them responsibility if they are being sexually active to try to avoid a pregnancy. If pregnancy does occur I don't think adoption is a bad choice. If thinking that being raised by a teenager is not fitting why would you think being raised by a couple that has been wanting a child would be a bad life?

I agree that women should not be taken the right to decide what to do with their body and their lives. But I do not think that the subject should be taken lightly. I do believe that life begins after conception and when you have experienced life growing inside you, you would not be able to fully understand it. I completely respect and understand that everyone's life and situations are different and that takes them in different avenues. But I do not think that we should view other people's opinion as a waste of time. We all have a right to our opinion and the freedom to express it and we all have to have an open mind and respect and listen to each other not put each other down for our views. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Blog # 7: Borders Cont.

  Expanding on my previous post about what actions should be taken in regards to our borders, I believe that maybe building a wall is not the best option. Building it will cost the United States too much money and I highly doubt that the Mexican President will agree on paying for something that wouldn't benefit them.

  Now, I do agree that our borders do need to be protected and that there are laws that need to be followed. That, whether it is crime coming in or going out, there should be rules in place. Relaying back to whether the president should increase taxes on vehicles and or closing the borders. I really think that it would not be a smart move. 

  I also believe that people that are already in the states should be given an opportunity to stay if they have not committed a crime, Some of the people that decide to come to the states is to escape a horrible situation, they should be able to find asylum here. 

  I don't think that this subject matter will ever be completely resolved but speaking up for what we believe in is what will help make some changes.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Blog stage 6: #axthepinktax

   The blog post by Rayroo about the Pink tax was definitely something that needs to be talked about more so we can see more changes be done. Why do the prices on feminine products have to be under "luxury" products, as far as I know, there is nothing luxurious about it. Paying more for things just because of the color or who is going to use it is ridiculous. I also put in my date of birth to see how much pink tax I have paid, $42,897. Women already get paid less so why do we have to get charged more too. 

   These organizations and movements are a great way to make the government listen. The #MeToo movement has already made some great impact that has helped shine light on gender equality. Knowing that there are so many people, not just women but men too that stand by this and fight so we can see change. This gives me a piece of mind for my daughters future.

Friday, April 5, 2019


  A recurring subject that seems to always be on the headlines and on the news is about our borders, especially the Mexican-U.S. border. I understand that President Trump is trying to keep drugs out of the country but I do not think that is the only way drugs and or crime occurs in the U.S. 
  A recent discussion was about President Trump threatening to close the border to prevent drugs from coming in he also spoke about raising tariffs on cars crossing the border. I do not think that will be a very smart thing to do financially or even for the upcoming elections. 

  Closing the borders could have caused a loss of money from imports. There are also many people that do have permits to come into the U.S. for work, school, shopping, etc, why would they have to suffer the consequences and lose their jobs.

  Something else is that I do not think that taking those actions would have been a good idea for the upcoming elections. I think it would have been a bit of self-sabotage. I mean this really is not anything new for him but upsetting more people at this point would not be in his best interest.

  I know that we are far from coming to a conclusion about this issue. Wall? or No wall? ways to have a stricter border, ways to prevent drug or any illegal smuggling. I do not think there is one right answer because at the end of it there are always people that get affected by either decision.  

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dream Act?- Blog Post #3

  This article "Lawmakers must defend Dream Act" in the Austin American Statesman seemed fitting for this assignment since it is about college and/or university tuition. The American-Statesman Editorial Board explains how having in-state tuition for immigrants is actually beneficial for the Texas economy. The Texas Association of Business CEO, Jeff Moseley talks about how "Texas could lose close to $400 million in economic activity each year." that is if the in-state tuition requirements are changed. It talks about how it is a lot more beneficial to keep the Dream Act and in-state tuition because it can create a stronger workforce and people who can earn more money and in result spend more money and pay more taxes making it a gain for the Texas economy.

  The article does a good way of also including the opposing view, of some that disagree with this. The articles talks about views from Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredricksburg, he says that "in-state tuition is a magnet to illegal immigration that benefits unauthorized immigrants and hurts those who immigrated legally." Biedermann and freshman Sen. Pat Fallon, R-Prosper are trying to repeal the law this legislative session with House Bill 413. 

  Defending their opinion on this topic the American-Statesman Editorial Board says that the immigrants applying for the Dream Act for in-state tuition should not be blamed or punished for being brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents. Now, they also are very clear that this is NOT to give illegal immigrant students legal status, this is just to give them the opportunity to still be able to apply for colleges and/or universities and they will have to pay their way through college.

  This article was very eye-opening for me. I agree with the article in the sense that immigrants that are brought to the state as children should not be penalized and should have the opportunity to pay in-state tuition and have the ability to apply for college. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

U.S national Government Article; Blog Post #2

  When looking at all the articles that are out there right now about the U.S. I see one that is very common and pops up a lot. The articles about President Trump wanting the funding for the U.S. Mexican wall.
  The most recent article in the American Statesman about this issue is about President Trump bypassing Congress and wanting them to fund more money than what they approved. The article also talks about how he wants to take money from federal military constructions and counterdrug efforts. This argument has been going on since day 1 and after him already doing one government shut down some fear he will do it again. The article also talks about how there are concerns of future presidents wanting to do these emergency fundings' too.
  Even though this is about a topic that is always in the headlines, it still is a good way to stay informed. Being aware of what is going on especially when it comes down to funding. This raises some questions for me, how will this affect us in the long run?

Friday, February 1, 2019