Friday, April 5, 2019


  A recurring subject that seems to always be on the headlines and on the news is about our borders, especially the Mexican-U.S. border. I understand that President Trump is trying to keep drugs out of the country but I do not think that is the only way drugs and or crime occurs in the U.S. 
  A recent discussion was about President Trump threatening to close the border to prevent drugs from coming in he also spoke about raising tariffs on cars crossing the border. I do not think that will be a very smart thing to do financially or even for the upcoming elections. 

  Closing the borders could have caused a loss of money from imports. There are also many people that do have permits to come into the U.S. for work, school, shopping, etc, why would they have to suffer the consequences and lose their jobs.

  Something else is that I do not think that taking those actions would have been a good idea for the upcoming elections. I think it would have been a bit of self-sabotage. I mean this really is not anything new for him but upsetting more people at this point would not be in his best interest.

  I know that we are far from coming to a conclusion about this issue. Wall? or No wall? ways to have a stricter border, ways to prevent drug or any illegal smuggling. I do not think there is one right answer because at the end of it there are always people that get affected by either decision.  

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